?Where Did It All Start

Our vision is to create a balance between the physical world and the digital space.

At KoaliTime, we value what matters most—our children. We are dedicated to their future and nurturing their connections with us and the world.
Like fire in ancient times, digital screens are revolutionary tools that can help or harm, depending on their use. Parents strive to limit screen time and monitor content, often facing tension and partial success.
KoaliTime takes a different approach, empowering children to manage screen time responsibly through a “Screen-Time Economy.” This transforms screen habits into opportunities for growth and learning, guided by parents within a supportive structure.
Our platform manages this “Screen-Time Economy,” offering a marketplace of diverse, high-quality content and programs tailored to your child’s unique needs.
Our team, our family

Asaf Kainan

Founder, CEO

Koalitime was born out of a genuine and personal need. As a father of three wonderful children, I do everything I can to create a better and healthier world for them.

Dr. Yoash Mor

Founder, BizDev

The digital screen isn’t our enemy – it holds immense potential to shape and inspire. What we need are gentle “training wheels” to help us harness its power in a thoughtful, balanced way

Shira Mayer


Twenty years in front of screens tracking the stock market didn't prepare me for the way small screens would captivate my daughters. But the digital screen itself isn't our enemy; it holds immense potential to shape and inspire.

Gilad Dolev